We need to create a Master Plan for recreational uses in Council’s Open Space lands and the Government’s State Forests for Mountain Bike Riding and Horse Trails
* During my term, Council acquired vast areas of Open Space Land.
* These were purchased specifically to allow recreational activities in a controlled environment.
* The State Government converted many Forest sites into Recreation Reserves to allow similar Activities.
* Low impact activities like Mountain Bike riding, Walking Trails and Horse Trails were to be developed.
* The State Government commissioned a community consultation group to develop a Horse Trail Network.
* The Hinze Dam recreational plan contained provision for a Mountain Bike Park.
* Council’s Open Space and Greenheart Plans provided for these recreational activities.
* Under the LNP Government and current Council, nothing has been done.
* If planned correctly and properly maintained, these controlled activities will not be harmful to the environment and could in fact be beneficial to the estate management through increased activity and usage.
I will be your voice in council
Vote 1 Ted Shepherd for Division 9 on Saturday
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