We need to Support Sport and Community Groups
The 4th principle I would like to talk about is community. We have a wonderful community in Mudgeeraba and our Hinterland region. We’ve got the greatest number of churches in any division. We’ve got the largest number of schools in any division on the Gold Coast. We have the largest number of sporting groups and community groups than anywhere else on the Gold Coast.
I support all community groups in Division 9. I have always done this and will continue to do this into the future. We need to make sure community groups prosper, that they grow in membership. That their ideals are maintained and their objectives grow.
Put simply, we need to support them. As division councillor, I promise to support every community group on its own merit, equally throughout the division.
Vote 1 Ted Shepherd for Division 9 on March 19
#vote1tedshepherd #tedshepherd #rebuilddivision9 #division9 #community#hinterland #mudgeeraba #bonogin #sportinggroups #communitygroups